Focused on protecting your personal life, Woodtale assures the highest level of protection for your personal data.
Within its activities, Woodtale offers its customers an e-shop service through
To deliver the service, Woodtale collects personal data from the website users. This collection is made on Woodtale website, mobile apps, by phone or upon delivery.
This document will provide all the information about this operation.
Woodtale, the controller of the personal data transferred, respects all legal dispositions on the EU regulation number 2016/679 from april 27th 2016, regarding personal data protection.
On the data collection form – on the website, paper or phone -, the Client is advised about the binding or non-binding nature of it. If the Client does not fill in one or more than one of the mandatory fields, Woodtale may not be able to provide its service.


1. Who collects the personal data?
2. Why does the personal data is collected and for what purposes?
2.1. Legal base of the data management
2.2. Woodtale, Lda legal base
3. To whom is your data transmitted?
4. Which are my rights over the data?
4.1. Which are my rights?
4.2. How can I exercise them?
4.3. Which are the consequences of exercising the right of opposition?
4.4. What to do next?
5. For how long are my data stored?
5.1. General rules regarding the management of the business relationship
6. Which are the safety measures regarding my data?

6.1. General rules
6.2. Aplicable rules regarding bank information and credit cards

6.3. Fighting internet fraud

7. What is important to know about the data collected through social media?

8. Are underage personal data collected?

9. Will I receive marketing communication?

9.1. Woodtale’s applicable principles

9.2. Prospection by e-mail and SMS

9.3. Retargeting e-mail

10. Woodtale uses cookies, tags and trackers
10.1. What is a cookie?
10.2. Why do we use cookies, tags and trackers?
10.3. How to set up the cookies, tags and trackers installation

10.3.1 Set up your browser

10.3.2 Set up your phone’s operating system

10.3.3 Cookies configuration as a tool suggested by Woodtale

10.3.4 Opposition list to manage the cookies installation

11. What does the data manager at Woodtale
11.1. Wich are his/her/their missions?
11.2. How to get in touch with the data manager?

1. Who collects the personal data?

Woodtale, Lda is the company that collects and manages the personal data; its headquarters are on Rua 1ª de Maio nº66, 4585-781 Vandoma, Portugal, Share Capital of 10 000€ and VAT number 516 484 303.

2. Why does the personal data is collected and for what purposes?

2.1. Legal base of the data management

The personal life of the Users is protected by law. By the data protection law, Woodtale can only use the personal data if there is a valid legal base. Woodtale must rely on one or more that one of these legal bases:
• Execution of a contract (for example, managing a purchase or to open a Woodtale account);
• Execution a legal obligation (for example, keeping the invoices);
• When it’s within Woodtale’s own legitimate interest**;
• When the user has given his/her/their consent.

**A “legitimate interest” must not go against the rights and freedom of the users. Among the legitimate interests are fraud prevention, direct marketing and data sharing within a business group (such as Woodtale).

2.2. Woodtale legal basis

Woodtale collects and stores personal data from its clients in order to:
• Manage the client’s account, shopping cart and orders;
• Manage the purchase operations;
• Manage the delivery operations;
• Manage the communications with the client (phone/chat/e-mail/paper), the order tracking made by the customer service, the returns and refunds.
• Record the communications between the customer service by phone or chat, to improve the service;
• Manage the client’s satisfaction (collecting their opinions about the articles and customer service’s performance);
• Combat fraud regarding payments and non-payments after an order is placed;
• Statistical operations, analysis, selection and segmentation of clients in order to know them better;
• Send segmented marketing pieces by e-mail, through push notifications, social media, other websites or any other way;
• Measure the website (mobile and desktop) and mobile apps visits;
• Offer sharing tools for social media;
• Launch of contests and ads;
• Share information with business partners.

To all the requirements that absolutely need consent, the user can withdraw his/her/their consent by filling a request here.


Your data is transmitted to Woodtale subcontracted partners; they can only manage it under express Woodtale instructions.

The data receivers are:
– Police authorities, regarding any legal requests related to fraud fighting;
– Customs police, in case of an overseas delivery.

Woodtale also subcontracts services to the following operations:
– Safe payment on the website;
– Fraud combat and recovery of undue payments;
– Order and package delivery;
– Managing the chat, phone calls and its possible records and the mail;
– Content personalization;
– Client’s opinions gathering.

Woodtale may also share personal info if its structure changes: in case of an acquisition, transfer or merge, or if Woodtale acquires or merges with another company.

If a transaction like any of those occur, Woodtale assures that the other party respects the data protection binding law.


4.1. Which are my rights?

On the execution of the articles 14 to 22 of the 2016/679 regulation, from April 27th 2016, any person that uses the service can exercise these rights:
– Access;
– Rectification;
– Opposition and elimination;
– Opposition;
– Management limitation;
– Data portability.

Lastly, when and if Woodtale identifies any violation of the personal data that may harm your freedom and rights, you will be notified and informed about all the details.

4.2. How can I exercise them?

These rights can be exercised before Woodtale, that has collected personal data by:
– Post mail, writing us to Rua 1ª de Maio nº66 4585-781 Vandoma, Portugal;
– Phone (+351 222 403 936 or +352 937 128 553), telling us your name, surname, address, e-mail and, if possible, your client number, so that Woodtale could easily access your account.
The request must have an identity proof attached.
Woodtale will respond within a month after you exercise your rights. In some cases, due to request complexity or high number of requests, this deadline could be extended by two months.

4.3. Which are the consequences of exercising the right of opposition?

In a case of exercising the right of opposition on the profile setup, the user is informed that he/she/them will continue to receive marketing communications but these will be less relevant and not segmented.

4.4. What to do next?

In an absence of an answer or an unsatisfying one, the User can appeal to the GDPR authority. In Portugal, it is CNPD:

5. For how long are my data stored?

Woodtale has defined very specific rules regarding the period of personal data storage.

5.1. General rules regarding the business relationship’s management

To more accurately calculate the period of personal data storage, Woodtale distinguishes:
– the «prospects (people that never made any purchase with Woodtale or its partners);
– the «clients» (people that have made at least one purchase).

The storage period is different for prospects and clients.
In terms of prospects, the timeline begins upon the creation of the account.
In terms of clients, the timeline begins upon the last purchase with Woodtale.

6. Which are the safety measures regarding my data?

6.1. General rules

As an entity responsible for data treatment, Woodtale takes all the precautions to maintain the security and privacy of the personal data, such as prevent its tamper, damage or access by an unauthorized third party.

Woodtale has set up a strong safety system to guarantee the highest security of the data and identify any violation. This includes the physical safety of our facilities, the protection of our computers system to prevent external access and because we have safe copies of your data.
When a service is subcontracted, Woodtale guarantees that the third party respects the data protection binding laws.

6.2. Aplicable rules bank information and credit cards

In order to guarantee the safety of the payments, Woodtale uses a provider with a PCI-DSS certificate. This is an international safety measure to ensure the confidentiality and integrity of the credit cards owners as well as the data and transaction’s security.
When you purchase with Woodtale and choose to pay with a credit card, our system connects in real time with the provider that collects all the information and proceeds to verifications, to avoid abuse and fraud. All data are gathered on the SIBS servers, wich requests an authorization granted by the bank. Then, a transaction number allowing the total amount of the purchase is generated and transmitted to us.

To avoid having to fill in your bank information on future orders, you can choose to associate your credit cards to your online account, by activating that field. These registrations on SIBS are secure. You can check all your registered credit cards (on hidden mode) and also eliminate all or part of the content on the “My credit cards” subtab and tab “Personal Data” on “My account”. In this case, your eliminated credit cards will not be shown on your online account neither in future orders.

In order to debit the account upon order or credit it upon a return, SIBS stores the bank data associated with the authorization number – only for the period of time needed to conclude the transaction and for the processing of eventual complaints (returns, disputes).

If you chose to register your credit cards, they will be automatically deactivated on the expiration date.

6.3. Fighting internet fraud

To guarantee the safety of the payments and deliveries, and ensure that you have the best service, all personal data gathered on the website are also processed by Woodtale to assess the level of the fraud risk associated to each order and, eventually, help to adapt its execution conditions.

7. What is important to know about the data collected through social media?

Woodtale suggests an access to social media platforms in order to improve the commercial relationship and propose specific marketing communications on those networks.

The using of social media to interact to Woodtale (including Facebook Messenger, Facebook Connect and the Facebook and Instagram’s share buttons) may imply enchange of data between Woodtale and these social media platforms.

For example, if you are logged in on Facebook at your computer and enter the Woodtale website or any of its pages, Facebook may collect that information.

Woodtale invites you to consult the personal data management policies of the different social media platforms to know what information they may diffuse.

8. Are underage personal data collected?

According to the general sales conditions, it is necessary to be 18 or above to create an account at the Woodtale website and make a purchase.

The User can inform Woodtale about the personal data of an underage person on a phone call regarding correction and or modification of the personal data. In order to do that, he/she/they must be the tutor or parental authority and give express consent to communicate these underage person data to Woodtale.

9. Will I receive marketing communication?

9.1. Woodtale’s applicable principles

Woodtale uses your personal data to send you segmented ads by e-mail, mail, SMS, push notifications, social media and third party’s websites.
In this scope, Woodtale compromises to respect all the applicable rules in each prospection channel.

9.2. Prospection by e-mail and SMS

Woodtale respects all the rules on the 2002/58/CE policy, from July 12 2022, that relates to the early and express consent of the User to receive commercial prospection by e-mail or SMS.

So, when you create an account on our website, your consent is expressly asked for:
– Receive e-mail offers by Woodtale;
– Receive SMS offers by Woodtale.

Woodtale will not send you personalized offers by e-mail or SMS if you haven’t give your consent.

There is an exception: if the User, without express consent, was already an Woodtale client and receives marketing communications about products or services.

In any case, the User has the possibility to oppose to the reception of any marketing communications by following these steps:
– upon creating the account, select “no” on the fields related to sending of personalized offers;
– for e-mail, you can click on the link to cancel the subscription – it is on every e-mail – or go to your Woodtale account at the “Manage subscriptions” tab. If you do not have an Woodtale account, you can access the cancel subscription page here and submit your request;
– for SMS, you can go to your Woodtale account at the “Manage subscriptions” tab;
– reach out to the Customer Support.

9.3. Retargeting e-mail

After browsing our website, you receive an e-mail without have given your e-mail address to Woodtale. How is that possible?
Woodtale uses the services of companies which only function is to identify who has visited out website and send them personalized e-mails.
These companies use cookies to distinguish users and personalize the marketing communications that they receive according to their browse history.
Who has collected my e-mail address?
This process has the intervencion of partners that have collected your e-mail address with your consent to receive marketing communications.
You can oppose to this by clicking here.

10. Woodtale uses cookies, tags and trackers

When you use our service, all the information regarding the browsing on your device (computer, tablet, smartphone, etc) can be recorded on text files called “cookies” that are installed on this device – depending on what choices you have made concerning Cookies and that you can change any time.

10.1. What is a cookie?

Cookies are several technologies to monitor the navigation or to make a behavioural analysis of the internet user. These technologies are constantly evolving; they can be cookies, tags, pixels, Javascript code.

A cookie is a small text file saved by the navigation program on your computer, tablet or smartphone; that way, the information about the user can be saved to make the navigation easier and enable certain features.

There are two main types of cookies:
– The cookies saved by Woodtale regarding browsing and proper performing of the website or mobile app;
– Third party cookies, installed by partners to identify your interests and send you personalized marketing communications. This cookies are directly generated by companies that controls it and absolutely must respect the GRPD rules.

10.2. Why are cookies, tags and trackers used?

The cookies that we use on our website let us:
– generate statistical data and know information about the frequency and use of our services, so we use cookies to measure audience;
– adapt the website appearance, depending on the used device;
– adapt the website appearance, depending on the preferences of each User;
– memorize information about forms filled out on our website (registration or access the account, subscription service, shopping cart, etc);
– enable access to reserved areas on the website such as your account, using identifiers;
– execute safety measures – like when you are asked to log in your account after a certain period of time;
– share information with advertisers on other websites to present you relevant marketing communications that meet your interests. For that, we use advertising cookies;
– share information on social media. For that, we use cookies that enable that tool.

10.3. Cookies configuration as a tool suggested by Woodtale

In order to be in accordance with the rules, Woodtale uses a tool that allows the User to configure the cookies installation when entering To access the list of the cookies used and how to manage them, click here.

11. What does the data manager at Woodtale

11.1. Which are his/her/their missions?

The data manager, designated by Woodtale, has to ensure that all the previous rules are followed and respected.

He/she/they specifically guarantees that the personal data processing is recorded and assures that everything was made by the rules.

He/she/they guarantees that the team are aware of this issue and answers the users who want to exercise their rights regarding the personal data collected by Woodtale.

11.2. How to get in touch with the data manager?

You can reach the data manager by e-mail:
To better know your rights, visit the websites of the authorities in charge:

· In France, CNIL:
· In Spain, AEPD:
· In Portugal, CNPD:
· In Belgium, CPVP:

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